This policy and procedure applies to all workers within the organisation.


The staff in the following roles are responsible for implementing this policy:

  1. The Manager/Director has overall responsibility for the menopause policy
  2. The Director has responsibility for the development and implementation of policy and procedure
  3. The Manager/Director is responsible for training the policy throughout the organisation and communicating internally and externally
  4. Workers are responsible for taking care of their own health and well-being and asking for support if needed at work

The menopause is a natural physiological event that happens to all women. It can produce a range of physical and psychological symptoms that can affect many aspects of life. Every individual is different and not all will be affected in the same way or to the same extent. In the UK the average age is 51 years, although around 1 in 100 people experience the menopause before the age of 40 years.


At Workmates we strive to create a workplace culture where workers feel comfortable to talk about, and seek help and support in respect of the menopause. We are committed to being recognised as a responsible employer that supports those going through the menopause.

    1. We will normalise conversations about the menopause and break down any stigma
    2. Our managers will be open and approachable to enable staff to talk about their symptoms
    3. We will increase managers and workers knowledge and awareness of the menopause
    4. We will not tolerate any discrimination towards those going through the menopause
    5. We will facilitate participation in a range of easily accessible menopause initiatives and services
    6. We provide access to menopause education and guidance
    7. We will appoint a menopause champion responsible for menopause awareness and initiatives

This policy will be reviewed annually and at any other time it is considered necessary due to changes in business or legislation.