Workmates and the Client are committed to ensure a safe and healthy working environment for all workers. All workers are equally valued and are entitled to the same level of protection at work.


We recognise that it is not possible to prepare safety rules that will meet every possible eventuality. However, we expect you to act in a sensible manner and, in particular, to obey all the following:

  • You must comply with each client’s health and safety at work policy and observe rules and regulations to which your attention has been drawn or which you might reasonably be expected to ascertain.
  • You are required to take all reasonable steps to safeguard your own health and safety and that of any other person who may be present or be affected by your actions.
  • You must tell you’re your client supervisor if you are under 18.
  • If asked to use unfamiliar equipment or lift heavy objects or do anything you are not sure about please ask your supervisor for advice.
  • If pregnant or recently having given birth, women must inform Workmates who will advise the Client to take into account any special needs.


In addition to this brief you should receive site-specific health, safety, and welfare and hygiene familiarisation.

Job specific training including specific health and safety issues will be provided on the job by the Client. You should not operate any plant / equipment / vehicles without the appropriate training, authorisation and qualification to do so.

If you require assistance or have any health and safety issues or concerns you should raise it with the client Team Leader, workforce safety representative or a Workmates consultant.


Legally, self-employed people must ensure adequate first aid provision for themselves. However, for practical reasons unless advised otherwise the Client will allow temporary workers to use the first aid facilities and personnel they have provided for their own employees.

At every Client where you work you should identify the First Aid trained staff / Appointed Persons who will treat any injury.

You must report to the Client any injuries (including as a result of physical violence), ill health on site or accident and dangerous incident relating to your work or workplace.

Upon returning from treatment, you must report the incident to the person in charge, and enter the details in the Client’s Accident Book. The Client will conduct any required accident investigations.


You must wear any protective clothing and equipment (PPE) you have been told to wear to carry out assignment.

When PPE has to be worn you will be advised who and how this will be provided. It is the responsibility of the client to ensure agency workers have suitable PPE to wear before work commences and that it is worn correctly.

If you are provided with PPE please make sure:

  • You use all items of protective clothing/equipment provided as instructed.
  • You do not misuse or wilfully damage any item of protective clothing/equipment.
  • You store and maintain protective clothing/equipment in the approved manner.
  • You report any damage, loss, fault or unsuitability of protective clothing/equipment to management.


The following is general advice only. Make sure you know the procedure wherever you work.

  • Help to avoid fires: Keep fire doors shut; Do not obstruct escape routes; Do not allow rubbish to accumulate; Observe no smoking rules. If smoking allowed, extinguish cigarettes properly in ashtrays not rubbish bins.
  • Ensure your name is on the Fire Register when you start work or move areas during your shift. Ensure you are signed out when you move areas or finish your shift.
  • On entering a new area workers must make themselves aware of the emergency evacuation routes, fire call points and fire exits and fire evacuation points.
  • If you discover a fire, raise the alarm, by activating the nearest call point or by shouting FIRE.
  • If the fire alarm sounds, leave the building via the nearest fire exit. Go to your designated fire assembly point. Do not run, do not panic and do not stop to collect personal belongings.
  • At the assembly point listen for your name to be called on a roll call, if it is not called inform the roll caller immediately. Remain at the assembly point until the person in charge instructs otherwise


If you have any doubt about lifting any item ask for assistance before attempting to lift.
Plan the lift, face the direction of the lift
Hold the load close, keep feet flat, spaced comfortably apart
Keep the back straight, use the strong thigh muscles
Avoid reaching up, Avoid lifting from the floor
Use the body’s weight when pushing or pulling
Move the load in short stages
Workers must carry out manual handling operations as trained and to use any equipment provided.


You must not operate any machine, plant or equipment unless you have been trained and authorised to do so.

  • You must make full and proper use of all machine guarding.
  • Your must report to management immediately any fault, damage, defect or malfunction in any machinery, plant, equipment, tools or guards.
  • Your must not make any repairs or carry out maintenance work of any description unless authorised to do so.
  • Your must not clean any machinery, plant or equipment whilst it is in motion.
  • You must not leave any plant, machinery or equipment in motion and unattended unless authorised to do so.
  • If you are under the age of 18 years old you must not operate any “prescribed dangerous machinery”


  • You must use all substances, chemicals, liquids etc., in accordance with written assessments and instructions.
  • You must return all substances, chemicals, liquids etc., in accordance with written assessments and instructions.
  • You must clear up any spillage of liquids within the work area in the prescribed manner and report any hazardous conditions that exist.
  • You must deposit all waste chemicals and oils at the correct disposal points and in prescribed manner.
  • You must not pollute watercourses, sewers or drains with chemicals, oils or other substances.


Under our terms of business, clients are asked to provide appropriate instructions and comprehensive information regarding any risks known to them to which workers may be exposed and steps client taken to prevent or control such risks.

Any information we obtain from our client relating to your health and safety on an assignment will be made available to you before the assignment starts.


You must report to the person in charge any medical condition that could affect the safety of yourself or others.

If you are working in the catering industry and/or handling food you must be in hygienic good health. If prior to work or at any stage during work you are suffering from or you have been in contact with anyone who is or may be suffering from infectious or contagious illness you must seek medical advice and not report for work whilst danger of infecting other persons.

If a doctor advises you have work-related reportable disease, tell your supervisor and your consultant.


Normally problems related to display screen use may be overcome by good ergonomic design of equipment, furniture, working environment and tasks performed. If experiencing health problems you feel are associated with or aggravated by your workstation or work practices, report them promptly to your supervisor.

Where use of display screen equipment is a significant part of normal work, users are recommended to have regular eye and eyesight tests.T

There is a legal duty imposed upon you to comply with these rules and breaches may result in termination of your contract. Breach of Health and Safety legislation by you may also constitute a criminal offence, possibly resulting in action taken against you as an individual.